
Customer Testimonials

Some of our customers have shown thier appreciation by sharing thier feedback.

Uma Gottumukkala

I am not a yoga person and have never taken a class prior to COVID. Having never had great flexibility, I was nervous about trying something new but because of COVID, I started attending Dr. Nimma’s yoga class and it has been life changing. I learned and continue to learn breathing exercises, daily stretches, and have made great progress in improving my flexibility and balance. With the continued help of Dr. Nimma, I feel that yoga has now become part of my daily routine and life. Dr. Nimma is very patient, catering her class to all kinds of ages and experience levels, and her classes have become a staple of my mornings leaving me energized and ready for the day. I cannot thank Dr. Nimma enough for hosting a daily class despite her busy schedule.

Piyush Ramani

Vijaya is an amazing instructor. She is very dedicated and passionate about practicing and teaching yoga. Vijaya’s yoga teaching techniques are well tuned to cater to all age groups. She keeps improvising her postures and asanas every week which makes it very refreshing and interesting. I think I get so much out of each and every pose as we progress. Vijaya is very observant, and intermittently keeps checking our positioning with our postures. Vijaya has run few retreats which were very well organized in beautiful temples and beaches. Vijaya is a blessing to the community, helping us all keep healthy, as we go through these unprecedented and challenging times. Cannot Thank you enough Vijaya, for making us a part of your yoga sessions.


We have no words to appreciate your efforts. First of all we are amazed to see your efforts for doing class everyday. We really appreciate your innovative ways of teaching the class which keeps us focused and energized. Meditation in between yoga feels awesome and very calming. I usually have allergies during the spring time, but last spring I did not have any allergies. I realized that this was due to practicing alternate nasal breathing and forceful exhalation. We are so thankful to you for your enthusiastic and amazing efforts for the class, even though the class has been online. We have become healthier and our bodies have become more flexible due to doing yoga every day. We really appreciate and are thankful for being part of your class.

Our Yoga Classes

Our accessible, affordable classes will solidify your commitment to a consistent practice, giving you numerous physical and mental health benefits.
We also offer breath work and guided yoga meditation.


Many yoga poses require you to bear your body weight in new ways helping you build strength.


Moving and stretching in different postures will increase your flexibility and improve suppleness.


Developing an upright posture with improved balance is one of the most important benefits of yoga.


The emphasis yoga places on being in the present moment coupled with physical activity that requires concentration boosts your energy.


Doing yoga improves your mind-body connection, giving you a better awareness of your own body, mindfulness and confidence.


Concentrating so intently on what your body is doing has the effect of bringing harmony and calmness to your mind, thereby reducing stress.